The Gift of Life

Psalm 66:8-12

1. Life is a precious gift from God because it’s His breath in us that makes us living beings. Human life is precious, so we need to cherish, love, and honor people above money, fame, or position. And when God adds another life to our families or our church, we must receive them with joy and thanksgiving.
2. God has not only given us life, He also sustains the life in us by providing for us, protecting, healing, and delivering us from anything that can destroy our lives. He keeps us among the living and does not allow our feet to be moved (Ps.66:9). Each day that we are alive is a gift from God and we need to bless, praise and give Him thanks while we have breath (v.😎.
3. God does not only want us to live, He wants us to live forever in His presence. So He gave His Son Jesus Christ as a gift to us to pay the penalty for our sins which had separated us from God (Rom.6:23). When we accept Christ, we experience the gift of abundant life on earth (John 10:10) and eternal life in heaven (John 3:16).
4. Because we have life, we also have hope (Eccl.9:4). God’s power that keeps us among the living is also able to fulfill the hope we have in Christ. Many times we go through trials, fire, sickness, afflictions, and problems that threaten to destroy us. God allows them and even other people to walk over our heads, but when we keep our hope in Christ alive, He will bring us to the place of rich fulfillment (Ps.66:10-12). Don’t lose hope because the battle is tough, because the sickness has persisted for long, because you’re overwhelmed by your troubles. Your hope for healing, deliverance, victory and success will surely be fulfilled if you don’t give up. Though the year is about end, keep your hope in God for 2020 to the end. For the coming year, every hope for yourself, your marriage, your children, your career, studies, and ministry will be fulfilled. You’ll never be ashamed for putting your hope in God (Rom.5:5). Shalom!