Building and Completing God’s Temple

Ezra 5:7-11
In this tenth month of our tenth year, we give thanks and praise to our God for bringing us through ten years of ministry. His grace, mercy, kindness, help, protection, and blessings have brought us this far. We can be confident that God will will continue to build His church through us, and the gates of hell cannot prevail against us (Matt.16:18).
The church is made up of people who have believed in Jesus Christ as their Lord and personal Savior. Each believer is the temple of the Holy Spirit (1Cor.3:16). But we are also living stones that God uses to build a spiritual house (1Peter 2:4-5). God builds us up individually and empowers us spiritually, physically, emotionally, and financially to build His church.
The church gathers in a place where we worship, serve God and each other, fellowship, pray, give sacrificially, teach and disciple believers to grow and mature in Christ.
We serve God through the various ministries of the church as pastors, deacons and ministers, Bible teachers, music ministers, prayer warriors engaging in spiritual warfare, inreach and outreach teams, ushers, cleaners, men, women, youth, and children’s ministries.
As we we serve God in these ministries, He fits us together to become a holy temple for the dwelling place of the Holy Spirit (Eph.2:19-22). God is concerned about both the individual believer and the place we gather to worship and serve.
When we build God’s temple, as individuals and as a church, we face opposition, trouble, frustration, demonic and satanic attacks that sometimes discourage us (Ezra 4:5-6; Neh.4:7-8). But, we need to remember that Christ did not say the gates of hell will not attack us. He said, they’ll fight us, but will not prevail against us. In spite of the attacks and opposition they faced, the Jews were able to complete the building of the temple (Ezra 6:15) and the walls (Neh.6:15-16). So, do not be discouraged by what you go through as you contribute to building God’s church. By His power you’ll overcome.
May God empower us individually and as a church to overcome every attack, frustration, confusion, trouble, and persecution, build us up through the Holy Spirit and the Word to do our part to build His church. His grace that saved us is sufficient for us to complete the building of His church for His glory. God will complete every good work He has started in us and anoint us to complete His work. May God richly bless you as you devote yourself to Him and His church. Shalom!