Speak To Your Storm
Mark 4:35-41
In the current stormy crisis arising from COVID-19, God has a timely message from the above passage for His children.
1. It begins with Jesus asking His disciples to go to the other side with Him (v.35). For every situation we go through there is the other side of it: sickness -> health, poverty -> riches, battle -> victory, etc.
2. Only Jesus can take us to the other side, so we need to leave the multitude and take Jesus with us (v.36). The multitude can impede, discourage, intimidate, or even stop us, but Christ with us is our guarantee that we will land on the other side. He is the Word who encourages, strengthens, comforts, and protects us in the journey. He is the Great Shepherd who provides for us, leads us on the path of righteousness and beside still waters, and restores our souls (Ps.23:1-3).
3. In our life journeys, we would encounter storms on the way (v.37), caused by the prince of the power of the air (Eph. 2:2). His purpose is to destroy us or prevent us from getting to the other side. Like the experienced fishermen who journeyed with Jesus, we sometimes go through storms that are beyond our experience and strength, putting us in extreme fear. But we can overcome that fear because Christ is with us (Ps.23:4).
4. Instead of fear, worry and anxiety, we can cry to our Savior who walks with us, and He will arise and rebuke the storm (38-39). He alone has power over every sickness, demon, or storm. When He speaks, they obey Him.
5. But Jesus also rebuked the disciples for allowing fear to displace their faith. If we know God’s Word and have faith in it, we can speak to any mountain, demon, or storm with the same power and authority of Jesus, and they will obey us (Mark 11:23). You and I carry spiritual authority to speak God’s Word over every storm. By God’s Word in our mouths, we can uproot anything the devil has planted, pull down strongholds, bind the strongman, destroy and cast down, and then build and plant what is good and pleasing to God (Jer.1:9-10, Luke 10:19, Matt.15:13, 2 Cor.10:3-5). So speak to your storm, sickness, poverty, mountain, demons by faith in God’s Word and in the power of the Holy Spirit, and they will obey you. Not because of you, but because of the power in God’s Word!
6. God’s Word will work in your situation, so you will fear God instead of your storms (v.41). Those who see your deliverance will also fear God and put their trust in Him (Ps.40:3).
While we take the necessary precautions in this difficult season, let us engage the corona virus with God’s Word. The blood of Jesus has spoken for us, so we can boldly speak against it. May the blood cover us all and protect us. May God raise a standard against the virus to stop it. May God preserve us and our families from all evil, in our going out and our coming in, now and forevermore, Amen. Shalom!